







2005 年11月以降から現在まで続く、北部と西部カレン州におけるビルマ軍事政権による強制移住作戦は、1997年以降の軍事攻撃の中でも最大のものである。軍事政権の兵士が市民を軍事支配地域に移転させる試みによって、現在までのところ、約1万3000人のカレン族がニャウンレビン郡、タウングー郡、 Muthraw群(Nyaunglebin, Toungoo and Muthraw districts)において強制的に退去させられている。また、裁判を経ない処刑や、強制運搬労働、家、田畑、食糧庫の破壊も報告されている。





Calling the United Nations Security Council to Act to Stop the Current Attacks on Civilians in
Karen State

8 May 2006

The Women’s League of Burma is appalled and sickened by the current Burmese military regime’s
offensive against civilians in Karen State. This deliberate and direct targeting of civilians in armed
conflict by the military regime clearly violates international humanitarian law and demonstrates that
conflict in Burma is not appeasing.

The WLB supports its member organization, the Karen Women’s Organization’s call for urgent action
by the United Nations Security Council to stop this reprehensible violence.

The Burmese military regime’s forced relocation campaign on-going in northern and western Karen
State since November 2005 is the largest military offensive since 1997. To date, around 13 000 Karen
have been forcibly displaced in Nyaunglebin, Toungoo and Muthraw districts as military regime soldiers
attempt to forcibly relocate people to military controlled zones. Extrajudicial killings, forced portering,
destructions of homes, fields, and food stocks are also reported.

New landmines laid by the regime soldiers along the border are preventing displaced people from
seeking or receiving humanitarian assistance. This begins a new round of death and displacement for
Karen civilians, with particular burdens on women and children.

Recent decisions at the UN World Summit and by the UNSC now affirm a collective responsibility of all
UN members to protect civilian populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes
against humanity in the absence of government protection.

The WLB strongly urges the United Nations Security Council to take urgent and appropriate action
regarding the human rights crisis underway in eastern Burma. It urges the UNSC to take action in
accordance with its 28 April 2006 resolution 1674, “On protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict” and
its 31 October 2000 resolution 1325, “On Women, Peace and Security.”

The current attack on civilians in Karen State is precisely an occurrence for which these two UNSC
resolutions were adopted and should trigger immediate UNSC action and place Burma on the UNSC
agenda. The WLB also urges the international women’s community to act in solidarity and pressure the
UNSC to take relevant action.