




内閣総理大臣 福田康夫 様
外務大臣 高村正彦 様
外務省人道人権課長 木村徹也 様







1. 国連拷問禁止委員会の最終審査を真摯に受け止め、指摘された問題是正のための具体的な行動計画案を早急に策定すること。その過程において、関連市民団体を含む市民社会と十分な協議を行うこと。
2. 最終所見パラグラフ30の要請(パラグラフ14、15、16、24に関する1年以内の追加報告)への対応について、早急に具体的な計画を示すこと。



賛同団体 以下26団体
アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本/アンポをつぶせ!ちょうちんデモの会/「慰安婦」問題を考える女たちの会/カラバオの会/国際人権活動日本委員会/「婚外子」差別に謝罪と賠償を求める裁判を支援する会/在日韓国民主女性会/死刑廃止国際条約の批准を求めるフォーラム90/市民外交センター/市民ネットワークさせぼ/社団法人自由人権協会(JCLU)/人身売買禁止ネットワーク(JNATIP)/世界女性会議ネットワーク関西/「戦争と女性への暴力」日本ネットワーク(VAWW-NETジャパン)/千葉県高等学校教職員組合男女平等教育推進委員会/統一獄中者組合/東京・生活者ネットワーク/日本キリスト教会横浜長老教会 靖国神社問題特別委員会/反差別国際運動日本委員会(IMADR-JC)/常陸24条の会/ヒューマンライツ・ナウ/COSMO/I女性会議中央本部/NGO人権・正義と平和連帯フォーラム/RAWAと連帯する会/SWASH(Sex Work and Sexual Health)

賛同個人 112名

Dear Mr. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda,
Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Masahiko Koumura,
Dear Ambassador Fujisaki,

The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) wishes to express its full support to the letter addressed to the Japanese Authorities by several Japanese non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on 3 October 2007, stressing the need to ensure a prompt follow-up to the recommendations adopted by the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) during its May 2007 session in Geneva (UN Doc. CAT/C/JPN/CO/1).

Along with several Japanese NGOs, OMCT took part in the review process of the initial report of Japan by CAT, in particular by submitting relevant information with the Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Centre (AJWRC) on the torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of women in the country. In their concluding comments, the UN experts echoed our concern over (1) the lack of gender-sensitiveness and training of law-enforcement personnel that leads to abuse and revictimisation of women, in particular in dealing with foreign and minority women victims of violence and trafficking, combined with (2) the failure to grant women victims redress and reparations – including victims of World War II’s military sexual slavery system.

By ratifying the CAT Convention, Japan committed itself to take effective measures to prevent and redress all violations that emanate from it. Such measures must be taken without delay, in consultation with civil society, and be part of a detailed action plan accompanied by a timetable of implementation. In this respect, OMCT recalls that in the beginning of the consideration of the State report in May, Ambassador Fujisaki expressed the Government’s efforts to eradicate torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in a spirit of “cooperation with international community” and with “civil society participation”. This now needs to be translated into acts.

As recommended by CAT (CAT/C/JPN/CO/1, para. 28), the national dialogue towards the goal of ensuring compliance with the Convention starts with the dissemination of the State report and CAT’s concluding observations in Japanese language to the relevant executive, judicial and legislative bodies, as well as to the general public.

OMCT also recommends that Japanese civil society (including NGOs, academics, etc.) be consulted in the process of preparing Japan’s interim follow-up report, as requested by CAT, on the recommendations contained in paragraphs 14 (refugees and immigration detention centres), 15 (substitute prison system), 16 (rules of interrogation and forced confessions) and 24 (trafficking and gender-based violence), to be submitted by June 2008.

Japan should not wait until its next periodic report is reviewed by CAT in order to take concrete steps towards implementing its recommendations. Besides the interim follow-up report to CAT, the Human Rights Committee is also about to assess the Japanese State’s compliance with the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment under Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which combined with Article 3 encompasses the obligation to address all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination.

Trusting your full commitment to ensure the respect for human rights in Japan, we thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Sottas, OMCT Director
Mariana Duarte, OMCT Programme Manager, Violence against Women